
Assignments for February 18-24
  1. Answer the question: Why do we study history?  Answer by texting the word STUDY followed by a period and then your message to 22333. Alternatively you can Tweet @poll STUDY and your message.   (This is practice for asking q's of the MOH recipients once during their talk at the Reagan Library or prior to the event!  There will also be a mic set up for kids to ask questions in person to the recipient).
  2. Watch the three vignettes of Medal of Honor recipients and upcoming speakers Walter Ehlers, Patrick Brady, and Bruce Crandall.
  3. After watching these videos, respond to the question "What is a Hero?" You can use examples from the videos, examples from your life, examples from movies or books you've encountered or examples from history and the news. To answer, text AHERO followed by a period and then their message to 22333 or Tweet the answer to @poll AHERO and their message. 
  4. Ask the Medal of Honor recipients questions!  Text the keyword MEDAL followed by a period and your question along with your name and school or city to 22333.
  5. Learn how to ask appropriate questions and avoid inappropriate ones by viewing slides #16-18 of the following slideshow:
Please answer the following POLL question: The Medal of Honor curriculum encourages students to explore the topics of Courage, Commitment, Sacrifice, Patriotism, Integrity, and Citizenship through the lens of the stories of the heroic recipients of the Medal of Honor. Which of these topics would you most like to hear the panelists discuss further on the day of the panel?
Text a KEYWORD to answer the poll at 22333.
Replace KEYWORD with the following character trait codes you'd like to hear them discuss further:
You can view the answers to this live poll here: http://aplcspeakerseries.wikispaces.com/Medal+of+Honor+Panel (scroll down to bottom!)

Assignments for February 10-17

1. Read this first. - to do the character values definitions you can use the Vocabulary Worksheet to complete the assignment.

2. Watch the Sammy Davis vignette and fill out an Information Gathering Worksheet.

3. Memorize John 15:12-14

4. Above and Beyond Assignment:  Write about someone who you consider to be a true hero.  Someone who reflects at least one of the character values represented by the Medal of Honor.  If they served in the military great, but it's not a requirement to be a true hero as each one of us, ordinary citizens, can reflect the values shared by the Medal of Honor recipients.

***Please encourage your student to do this "above and beyond" assignment.  If they have an extreme aversion to writing, have them record it or do a video or even an interview of their hero if they are living.

You can also broaden your understanding of what you hear in the video by visiting the Digging Deeper tab to find out more about what a Howlitzer weapon looks like as well as "Beehive" darts.